OIC Condemns Attacks On Security Forces In Mali


OIC condemns attacks on security forces in Mali

Timbuktu City, Mali, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 08th Nov, 2016 ) - The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has strongly condemned two separate attacks on Sunday in northern Mali in which three people including a Togolese peacekeeper were killed and several others injured.

One of the attacks targeted a Malian military camp in the Timbuktu region and other United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission (MINUSMA) peacekeepers around Douentza area.

The OIC General Secretariat denounced the assaults as war crimes carried out by the enemies of Mali against the soldiers of peace who continue to operate under difficult circumstances to support the Malian parties in the implementation of the Algiers Agreement on Peace and Reconciliation in Mali.

It also conveyed its sincere condolences to MINUSMA, the governments of Mali and Togo as well as the families of the victims. The General Secretariat again reiterated the firm commitment of the OIC to continue to contribute to the peace building process including the development of the northern regions of Mali.