PM Invites Bosnian Investors To Benefit From Pakistan's


PM invites Bosnian investors to benefit from Pakistan's

SARAJEVO (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 21st Dec, 2016 ) , : Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif on Wednesday said Pakistan offers uniform economic policy for foreign investors and invited the investors of Bosnia and Herzegovina to benefit from the country's conducive business environment.

Addressing the Business Forum here, the Prime Minister said Pakistan's economy was moving in right direction with improved security situation, which had made it an ideal destination for foreign investment.

"It is an ideal time. Let us join hands to tap the vast potential and develop sound footings for the trade relations between Pakistan and Herzegovina," he told the members of Bosnia's Trade Chamber and Foreign Investment Agency.

Nawaz Sharif said it was a pleasure to visiting again the beautiful city of Sarajevo after some 20 years, and assured that the people of Pakistan had warm sentiments for the people of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

He mentioned his productive meeting with Chairman of the Council of Ministers Dr Denis and with the Presidency members this morning and expressed confidence that his visit would further strengthen the bilateral relations between two countries.

Nawaz Sharif said he firmly believed that a strong trade was a requisite for a strong people-to-people relationship, however stressed the need for "translating the true potential of trade into a robust partnership".

He said both countries enjoyed strategic geographical location and human capital, and added that the two governments needed to avail this opportunity to strengthen their economies. The Prime Minister mentioned that his government took head-on the challenges of turning around a sluggish economy and invested in social sector and also eliminated terrorism.

He said the government had achieved significant targets including lowest inflation in 45 years and economic turnaround with growth rate of 4.7 percent and expected this to touch 5.5 percent. He said another challenge of crippling energy crisis had been overcome significantly and expressed confidence that power load-shedding would end in one-and-a-half-year.

Dr Denis Zvizdic, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina (prime minister) in his speech emphasized his commitment to energize the economic prosperity of his country, for which he was interested in boosting trade ties with friendly countries including Pakistan.

He said Bosnia was in a position to be a credible partner in business and mentioned his government's priority of integration with European Union. Dr Zvizdic said soon Pakistan and Bosnia and Herzegovina would launch the Joint Commission to discuss their mutual relations and mentioned the upcoming visit of Pakistani business delegation to Bosnia and Herzegovina to showcase their products.

He said proximity to European Union made his country a more attractive economic destination for Pakistani businessmen. Earlier, President of Foreign Trade Chamber of Bosnia and Herzegovina Bruno Bojic in his welcome address highlighted the reform process of his government to attract investors through good business opportunities.

He mentioned that Pakistan and Bosnia and Herzegovina could explore the potential in the industries of defence, metal, construction, pharmaceutical and textile. PM's Special Assistant on Foreign Affairs Tariq Fatemi also attended the Business Forum.