Poland Vows To Protect Ukraine Aid Deliveries, Hold Talks On Border Row

Poland vows to protect Ukraine aid deliveries, hold talks on border row

Poland's Prime Minister Donald Tusk on Thursday pledged to safeguard aid deliveries to Ukraine as the two countries are set to hold talks on their shared border where farmers' protests have soured ties

Warsaw, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd Feb, 2024) Poland's Prime Minister Donald Tusk on Thursday pledged to safeguard aid deliveries to Ukraine as the two countries are set to hold talks on their shared border where farmers' protests have soured ties.

Disgruntled Polish truckers and farmers have been blocking the border checkpoints in recent months over Ukrainian competition and farming imports, igniting tensions between Warsaw and Kyiv.

Ukraine warned on Wednesday that the delays at the border could impede weapons deliveries to the country as it fights off the Russian invasion which is nearing its second anniversary.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on Wednesday offered to meet Poland's premier at the border to discuss the blockades, which he called a matter of "national security".

But Tusk told reporters on Thursday that he would only chair talks between the two governments planned for next month in the Polish capital.

"The meeting of both governments will be held in Warsaw on March 28," Tusk told reporters, adding that it was "better to continue these talks at the technical, organisational level".

Tusk also confirmed no such talks are planned before March 28, adding that in the meantime negotiations at ministerial level would take place.