Trump Wraps Up Marathon Weekend Cabinet Search


Trump wraps up marathon weekend cabinet search

BEDMINSTER, United States, , (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 21st Nov, 2016 ) - US President-elect Donald Trump on Sunday wrapped up a busy weekend of meetings with cabinet hopefuls at his golf club retreat outside New York, hinting new appointments are imminent.

The Republican billionaire-turned-world leader signaled he is seriously considering retired Marine Corps general James "Mad Dog" Mattis to be his Pentagon chief, heaping praise on him. When asked before dinner at his Trump National Golf Club in New Jersey if he would soon reveal new nominations, Trump told reporters: "Pretty true," confirming he had "made a couple of deals." It was not clear if Trump planned to make any announcements late Sunday, either from Bedminster or once he makes the 90-minute drive back to Trump Tower in Manhattan.

Beyond Mattis, the top Names on the guest list Sunday were Republican New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, who was recently ousted as the leader of Trump's transition team; former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani; and immigration hardliner Kris Kobach.

The president-elect was clearly seeking to sound out people from a wide range of backgrounds, from party stalwarts to business moguls to former rivals. Some of Trump's choices for other key posts so far -- attorney general, national security adviser and chief White House strategist -- have come under fire on civil rights grounds from Democrats and other critics.

But he has also moved to mend fences with moderate Republicans as he goes about building a new administration before his January 20 inauguration. On Saturday, he interviewed one-time foe Mitt Romney -- the 2012 Republican presidential candidate who called him a "fraud" during the recent campaign -- for the secretary of state position reportedly coveted by Giuliani.