Turkey Cheers Receiving Euro 2032 Co-hosting Rights

Turkey cheers receiving Euro 2032 co-hosting rights

Istanbul, (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 10th Oct, 2023) Turkey said Tuesday it cherished the chance to co-host the Euro 2032 tournament with what it called "friendly country" Italy.

"The heart of football will beat in Turkey in 2032!" Turkish sports Minister Osman Askin Bak declared on social media moments after UEFA announced the 2028 and 2032 hosting rights.

"We are happy to host #EURO2032 with the friendly country Italy. It is an honour to be rewarded for the steps we have taken in the 100th anniversary of our beautiful country, which we have woven together with investments into sport."

Predominantly Muslim Turkey this year celebrates the centenary of its formation as a secular post-Ottoman republic.

Italy and Turkey ran unopposed for the joint rights to host the 2032 tournament.

The United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland will host the 2028 edition after also running unopposed.

Turkey has repeatedly tried and failed to host Europe's main international football tournament.

Its joint bid with Greece to co-host Euro 2008 lost out to Austria and Switzerland.

It tried again to host the Euro 2012 and Euro 2016 -- losing out to a joint Ukraine-France candidacy and then France.

The Turkish Football Federation also expressed its "gratitude" to UEFA.

"In the coming years, Italy and Turkey will collaborate intensively to offer fans the ultimate European Championship experience by 2032, working with great passion and commitment," it said.