Turkey Planning To Produce 1Mln TOGG Electric Cars Within 7 Years - Erdogan


Turkey Planning to Produce 1Mln TOGG Electric Cars Within 7 Years - Erdogan

ISTANBUL (UrduPoint News / Sputnik - 13th April, 2023) Turkey was planning to manufacture 1 million TOGG electric vehicles within seven years as there is a significant demand for electric cars in the country, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Wednesday.

"In seven years, you will see one million TOGG electric cars on the roads," Erdogan told journalists.

The president added that the demand for electric cars in the country was significant. The president did not rule out holding a meeting with representatives of Turkey's banks to discuss special loans for citizens to buy TOGG cars.

In early April, Erdogan and his wife, Emine, became the first owners of the first Turkish-made electric cars.

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and Uzbek President Shavkat Mirziyoyev also received TOGG electric cars as a gift from Erdogan.

Turkish car manufacturer TOGG held an official opening ceremony at the plant for the production of electric vehicles in October. TOGG vehicles will be produced in two versions � sedan and SUV.

The cheapest TOGG vehicle with a 160-kilowatt battery and capable of covering 195 miles on one charge will cost over $50,000. The carmaker is planning to deliver the first vehicles in July.