AJK People Launch Protests Against Modi's Visit To Occupied Valley

AJK people launch protests against Modi's visit  to occupied valley

The people from all walks of life across Azad Jammu & Kashmir observed Black Day in protest against the visit of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Indian Illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK)

MIRPUR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 20th Feb, 2024) The people from all walks of life across Azad Jammu & Kashmir observed Black Day in protest against the visit of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Indian Illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

The call for protest given by All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) and the AJK government, aimed to highlight Kashmiris' resentment against New Delhi's illegal occupation on Jammu & Kashmir.

Hundreds of individuals from various sectors including social and political workers, business community,

lawyers, journalists, government and non-government organization employees, students, teachers, and human rights activists participated in the rally.

They gathered at District Court premises where speakers including City Mayor Ch. Usman Ali, Deputy Commissioner Ch. Yasir Riaz, Deputy Mayor Ramzan Chughtai, President of District Bar Association Shakeel uz Zaman Advocate, and other civil society leaders strongly condemned India's continued forcible occupation on Jammu and Kashmir.

The speakers reiterated the resolve of the people living in Indian illegally occupied Jammu & Kashmir to continue their struggle for freedom, and condemned the human rights violation committed by Indian forces in the region.

They urged the United Nations to impose sanctions on India for its refusal to engage in peaceful resolution of the Kashmir issue. The speakers also emphasized that India should withdraw its troops from occupied Jammu & Kashmir to provide right of plebiscite to the Kashmiri people under the supervision of United Nations besides allowing Kashmiris to exercise their birthright to determine their future.

Protest rallies and processions were held in different parts of Azad Jammu & Kashmir including Muzaffarabad, Kotli, Bagh, Bhimbher, Rawalakot, Haveli, Hattiyan, and Sudhanoti districts, for expressing Kashmiris' strong opposition to New Delhi and its brutalities in the region. The demonstrations were held to garner global attention towards the ongoing struggle of the people of Jammu Kashmir against Indian oppression.
