AJK PM Forms A Committee For Transparent Purchase Of Medicines For Public Sector Hospitals

AJK PM forms a committee for transparent purchase of medicines for public sector hospitals

Azad Jammu & Kashmir Prime Minister Ch. Anwar ul Haq on Wednesday formed a committee comprising senior minister Col. Retired Waqar Ahmad Noor, Public Health Minister, Secretary Health, Secretary Law, and PPRA representatives for the transparent purchase of medicines for the government-run hospitals in the state

MIRPUR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 21st Feb, 2024) Azad Jammu & Kashmir Prime Minister Ch. Anwar ul Haq on Wednesday formed a committee comprising senior minister Col. Retired Waqar Ahmad Noor, Public Health Minister, Secretary Health, Secretary Law, and PPRA representatives for the transparent purchase of medicines for the government-run hospitals in the state.

The committee was tasked to formulate recommendations regarding the purchase of medicines and present the report within three days.

The PM was chairing an extraordinary meeting of the AJK Health Services Department in Muzaffarabad.

The DG Public Health and Executive Director Abbas Institute of Medical Sciences briefed the meeting on the budget of the. respective departments and the facilities provided to patients in the state-owned hospitals.

Addressing the meeting, Prime Minister Haq said that the government was paying special attention to the health sector.


He said that the provision of health facilities to the people of Azad Kashmir was his government's top priority. Funds were being released on time to ensure the supply of medicine in hospitals, he added.

He said that the issue of a shortage of doctors and paramedical staff in hospitals would be addressed soon.

He said that modern equipment would be provided to all hospitals across Azad Kashmir, and directed the authorities concerned to fix the damaged machinery as soon as possible.

He said that biometric devices should be provided to all public health centers to ensure timely attendance.

The meeting was attended by Senior Minister Col. Retired Waqar Ahmad Noor, Public Health Minister Nisar Ansar Abdali, Principal Secretary Sardar Zafar Khan, Secretary Public Health Abdul Sattar Khan, DG Public Health, and others.
