Int'l Day Of Peace Marked With Call For Mitigating IIOJK Peoples' Sufferings


Int'l Day of Peace marked with call for mitigating IIOJK peoples' sufferings

Pakistan on Tuesday observed the International Day of Peace calling upon the United Nations to play its due role in mitigating decades' long sufferings of the people of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 21st Sep, 2021 ) :Pakistan on Tuesday observed the International Day of Peace calling upon the United Nations to play its due role in mitigating decades' long sufferings of the people of Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IIOJK).

This year, the United Nations General Assembly has devoted the day to strengthening the ideals of peace, through observing 24 hours of non-violence and cease-fire, under the theme "Recovering Better for an Equitable and Sustainable World." Since its inception in 1947, Pakistan has played a proactive role for regional and global peace at every level and its efforts could be seen in defusing tension and restoring peace in Palestine, Gulf countries, Afghanistan.

Whereas in Kashmir; the brutal Indian forces had crossed all norms of humanity to suppress innocent and unarmed people, struggling for their legitimate right to self-determination.

Pakistan is one of the longest-serving and largest contributors to UN peacekeeping missions, as its participation started in 1960 in Congo and so far more than 200,000 Pakistani soldiers have participated in 60 missions in 28 countries.

Pakistan still has more than 7,000 personnel deployed in nine countries as part of 14 ongoing UN missions.

Addressing the Kashmir Parliamentary Peace Conference here, Speaker National Assembly Asad Qaiser said it was the history that Kashmir region always remained peaceful but its peace was destroyed during the Dogra rule before creation of Pakistan.

He said more than 1.5 million homes had so far been burnt by brutal Indian forces in IIOJK where all basic human rights were being denied.

The speaker was of the view that a referendum should be held in IIOJK in accordance with the resolutions passed by the UN Security Council, giving people of Kashmir their legitimate right to self-determination.

"Let's unite and raise our voice for the liberation of Kashmir and Palestine," he added.

In a message on the world peace day, Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting Farrukh Habib said Pakistan, being a peace loving country, always played a proactive role for world peace and stability.

Highlighting Pakistan's contributions to the UN peacekeeping missions what he called a "practical example", Farrukh said around 161 Pakistan Army personnel had so far sacrificed their lives for the purpose.

He said that 220 million Pakistanis saluted to martyred Pakistan Army soldiers for their great sacrifices.

The minister said it was unfortunate that no one paid attention to Indian atrocities in IIOJK, urging the international community to end double standards on India's atrocities, barbarism and serious human rights violations in the occupied Kashmir.

The international community was appreciating Pakistan's sincere efforts for peace in Afghanistan, Farrukh Habib said, adding peaceful and stable Afghanistan was vital for peaceful Pakistan.

"Today, we also salute our armed and security forces who sacrificed their lives for lasting peace and stability", he added.

The minister reiterated Pakistan's firm commitment to continue playing a positive role for peace not only on its own soil but also for world peace.

Mishaal Hussein Malik, Pakistan-based human rights activist and wife of Kashmiri leader Yasin Malik, in her message said India had put the whole region at risk by deploying more than 900,000 troops in IIOJK.

She regretted that resolution of the longstanding issue of Kashmir aside, the UN even could not stop the genocide of Kashmiris.

"The people of Kashmir are begging for peace from the world, and Indian bloodthirsty forces are committing massacre of Kashmiris every day," he added.

Mishaal said there was no religious freedom in IIOJK besides women and children were feeling themselves completely insecure there.

"If peace is to be brought in Asia, the Kashmir issue has to be resolved," she added.

In Sukkur, Shaheed Dodo Soomro Welfare Orgnization (SDSWO) held a ceremony to mark the International Peace Day.

Secretary General SDSWO, Nizamuddin Soomro said Allah Almighty created the world for peaceful co-existence and not for its destruction. "Life is an invaluable gift of God and nobody has the right to take it away from anyone.

Meanwhile, Kashmir Media Service (KMS) released a report, citing the tragedies of IIOJK people including victims of the Machil and Shopian fake encounters, killing of top resistance leaders including Muhammad Ashraf Sehrai and Syed Ali Gilani in detention.

Indian troops, the report added, were using brutal force including torture against the Kashmiris on daily basis in IIOJK.

"Ordinary Kashmiris are forced to live under iron siege while Indian forces' actions in are no less than a holocaust in the occupied territory."