JKNF Clarifies Muneer Khan's Political Shift


JKNF clarifies Muneer Khan's political shift

The Jammu and Kashmir National Front (JKNF) has clarified that Muneer Khan's decision to enter into mainstream politics in IIOJK, is entirely his personal act and that the decision does not reflect the party's stance

MIRPUR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 18th Apr, 2024) The Jammu and Kashmir National Front (JKNF) has clarified that Muneer Khan's decision to enter into mainstream politics in IIOJK, is entirely his personal act and that the decision does not reflect the party's stance.

In a statement issued on Thursday, JKNF spokesperson Muhammad Haseeb Wani emphasized that Muneer Khan, brother of jailed leader of JKNF Naeem Khan, has never been affiliated with the party.

Wani reiterated that Naeem Khan has consistently advocated for the cause of Kashmiri self-determination and remained steadfast in his principle stand throughout his life.

He criticized the Indian media for exaggerating, twisting and portraying the wrong image.

Wani pointed out that many individuals who joined mainstream politics at the behest of New Delhi have ultimately been rejected by the people of Kashmir.

He urged the media to focus on the realities of the region rather than creating suspense over minor developments.

He underscored the ongoing struggle for self-determination in Kashmir and reaffirmed the party's commitment to its principle stance.


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