Initiatives Urged To Facilitate People In Getting Access To Quality Healthcare Services

Initiatives urged to facilitate people in getting access to quality healthcare services

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 12th May, 2024) Punjab, the most populous province of the country, has been faced with significant challenges in healthcare system urging the government to launch initiatives on war-footing-basis to facilitate people in getting access to quality medical services.

Inadequate infrastructure and shortage of medicines had often hindered access to essential healthcare services for residents across the province. However, the recent developments signals a turning point as the provincial government undertakes some bold initiatives to address the pressing issues in healthcare sector.

Under the leadership of Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz, improving healthcare facilities has emerged as one of the top priorities for the provincial government. Minister for Information Azma Bukhari in a statement has underscored the government's commitment to this cause, highlighting the establishment of field hospitals and the launch of a home delivery program and essential medicines.

In a bid to extend healthcare services to remote areas lacking infrastructure, the Punjab government has inaugurated multiple fully-equipped field hospitals. These facilities are strategically located to cater people by bringing essential medical care closer to those in need.

Talking to APP, Punjab's Health Secretary Ali Jan Khan informed that equipped with modern tools and skilled healthcare professionals, these field hospitals represent a crucial step towards bridging the gap in healthcare access across the province.

One of the most innovative initiatives launched by the Punjab government is the home delivery of medicines program. The Secretary said this program aims to streamline the delivery process. Patients can now receive their prescribed medicines directly at their doorsteps, eliminating the need for frequent trips to pharmacies and ensuring continuity of care.

The health secretary said that Punjab's healthcare transformation is an ambitious plan to revamp Basic Health Units (BHUs) and Rural Health Centres (RHCs) across the province.

He said that this comprehensive overhaul includes the provision of free medicines in government hospital emergencies and the establishment of a central pathology lab to enhance diagnostic capabilities.

By investing in infrastructure and strengthening Primary healthcare facilities, the government aims to enhance quality and accessibility of medical services for all residents, particularly those in rural areas, he said.

In a significant boost to healthcare infrastructure development, Punjab has witnessed the inauguration of healthcare projects worth over Rs. 15 billion. In a statement, Punjab's Health Minister Khawaja Salman Rafique has said that these projects encompass the construction and renovation of hospitals, the procurement of medical equipment, and the recruitment of additional healthcare staff.

Moreover, the approval of an additional Rs 26 billion for healthcare initiatives underscores the government's unwavering commitment to delivering excellent healthcare facilities in the province. These investments signal a long-term commitment to improving the healthcare landscape and fostering better health outcomes for the residents.

The health minister said that a revolutionary step is the introduction of a transparent system of health insurance like the PML-N's initiative of the health card, which was later reintroduced by the PTI government with many flaws in it.

Unfortunately, the PTI government could not make it transparent, and several embezzlements and scandals were disclosed. However, the current government is going to introduce this project with several changes and improvements so that deserving citizens could get the facility.

The recent developments in Punjab's healthcare sector represent a transformative shift towards addressing longstanding challenges and improving the quality and accessibility of medical services. As these efforts gain momentum, the province is poised to emerge as a leader in healthcare innovation, setting a benchmark for other regions to follow.

APP/msk/taj (APP Feature Service)