20 Persons Injured In Deadly Road Accident In Thatta Shifted To LUH


20 persons injured in deadly road accident in Thatta shifted to LUH

HYDERABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 25th May, 2024) As many as 20 injured persons of the road accident in Jhirk, Thatta, were shifted to Liaquat University Hospital here on Saturday with the hospital authorities declaring emergency.

The hospital's spokesman informed that 2 of the critically hurt persons who required vascular surgery were shifted to Karachi.

According to him, 14 injured persons were still admitted in different wards of the hospital while 4 of them had been discharged after first aid.

The Medical Superintendent Dr Aijaz Ahmed Abbassi visited the patients and directed the concerned doctors to ensure best possible medical treatment was provided to them.

According to the police sources, at least 7 persons had died in that road accident which had occurred near Jhirk between a Suzuki mini pickup truck and a dumper truck.

The deceased and injured were residents of village Manik Behrani who were travelling in the mini-truck to Jamshoro district.