240 Kg Dead Meat Seized, 3 Arrested


240 kg dead meat seized, 3 arrested

FAISALABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 27th Dec, 2016 ) -Patrolling Police seized 240 kilograms meat of dead animals and arrested three accused from the spot. A spokesman of Police department said here on Tuesday that Assistant Sub-Inspector (ASI) Waheed Ali along with his patrolling team on a tip-off placed a picket near Roshanwali Jhal and seized more than 240 kg meat of dead animals which was being transported in a mini loader to Faisalabad.

Patrolling Police rounded up three accused including loader driver Zia Ahmad,butchers Gulshan Ali and Liaqat from the spot.The accused were handed over to Dijkot police for further action. The police registered case against them under Slaughter Control Act whereas dead meat was destroyed,spokesman added. APP/mfs/ia/swf/ff