3 Huts Gutted In Fire Incident

3 huts gutted in fire incident

BAHAWALPUR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 19th May, 2024) Atleast three makeshift huts have gutted in a fire incident happened in outskirts of Bahawlapur city here on Sunday.

The official sources in the Punjab Emergency Service Department, Rescue 1122 Bahawalpur informed that they received phone call about eruption of fire in makeshift huts of Pakhiwaas (local nomades) in Chak No.

6BC on Bahawalpur-Hasilpur Road.

“The fire tenders and rescuers rushed to the scene where three makeshift huts have caught fire,” they said, adding that the fire was extinguished. No loss of life was reported.

The cause of fire was told that one of the huts caught fire when meal was being cooked inside it. The domestic items placed in the huts were gutted.