72 Constables Promoted

72 constables promoted

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 30th May, 2024) In the second phase of promotions within Lahore Police, 72 C-II constables were promoted to the rank of head constable.

In the first phase, 344 C-I constables were promoted as the head constables, earlier. The Promotion board reviewed 84 cases of promotion from constable to head constable.

Capital City Police Officer Lahore Bilal Siddique Kamyana congratulated the promoted officials, stating that the promotion process for officers and personnel within Lahore Police is progressing rapidly in line with IG Dr. Usman Anwar’s police-friendly vision. He encouraged the newly promoted officers to embody competence, professionalism and public service. Timely promotions lead to improved service delivery and better service to the citizens, he concluded.

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