82 Shopkeepers Arrested For Overcharging


82 shopkeepers arrested for overcharging

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 24th Nov, 2016 ) : The City District Government Lahore (CDGL) Thursday arrested 82 shopkeepers during its drive against profiteering. According to source, 36 cases were registered against violators of the Price Act and CDGL teams were sent 22 out of 82 shopkeepers to the prison for three days, after summary trial.

He said the CDGL special price control magistrates conducted raids at 805 shops in various parts of the city and inspected price of commodities, adding that 30 shopkeepers were challaned and fine of Rs 178,500 was imposed on them. The district administration issued directions to the town administrators and price control magistrates to continue crackdown against profiteers, he added.