95 Percent Work On Ongoing Projects Completed: NA Told

95 percent work on ongoing projects completed: NA told

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 2nd September, 2016) : Minister for Planning, Development and Reforms Ahsan Iqbal on Friday informed the National Assembly that 95 percent work on ongoing development projects under Public Sector Development Programme (PSDP) had been completed.

In the question hours, he said the government review progress of the projects after every quarter and allocate funding accordingly. He said the Federal government identified development programs and projects in consultation with provincial governments.

The minister said after the 18th amendment, responsibility for poverty alleviation falls on the provincial governments. Despite this, federal government is also financing vertical programs of health and population welfare through PSDP as per decision of Council of Common Interests (CCI), he added.

Minister for Parliamentarians Affairs Sheikh Aftab Ahmed said meeting of the board of Investment held to discuss how to attract more investment in the country.