ADCR Chairs District Intelligence Committee Meeting; Reviews ICT's Security

ADCR chairs District Intelligence Committee meeting; reviews ICT's security

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd May, 2024) The Additional Deputy Commissioner General (ADCR) Abdullah Mahmood on Wednesday chaired the District Intelligence Committee meeting here at his office.

According to the Spokesman of the Chief Commissioner Office, Nouman Nazim, the meeting discussed the current law and order situation in the Federal Capital.

Additional Deputy Commissioner General Abdullah Mahmood led the discussion, which was attended by representatives from the police, security forces, and various NGOs.

In the meeting, the officials thoroughly reviewed the city's security conditions and highlighted the concerns about the ongoing sit-in 'Save Gaza' at D-Chowk, which has raised significant issues for public order.

Officials reminded attendees that Section 144 is in effect throughout the city, banning all public gatherings to ensure safety and maintain peace.

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