Agriculture Secretary Pays Surprise Visit


Agriculture secretary pays surprise visit

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 26th Nov, 2016 ) : Punjab Agriculture Secretary Muhammad Mehmood paid a surprise field visit to Bahawalpur, Lodhran and Rahim Yar Khan and took briefing regarding the different wings of Punjab Agriculture Department.

The secretary, while talking to Regional Agriculture Research Institute Bahawalpur Ghulam Hussain, Executive District Officer Agriculture, Bahawalpur Ch Muhammad Tanveer and District Officer Agriculture (Extension) Bahawalpur Muhammad Irfan Afzal Cheema expressed indignation over the poor condition of cultivated crops on Exension and Research Farm and warned the officials to link all the record of research with central monitoring system after digitalising it so that it become easy to review the working of all departments, says a handout issued here on Saturday.