AJK Observes 26th Youm-e-Takbeer With Zeal And Fervor

AJK observes 26th Youm-e-Takbeer with zeal and fervor

MIRPUR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 28th May, 2024) Like the rest of Pakistan, Azad Jammu & Kashmir (AJK) observed Youm-e-Takbeer on Tuesday, commemorating the 26th anniversary of Pakistan's nuclear tests conducted on May 28, 1998.

These tests were a strategic response to India's nuclear tests conducted earlier that month, intended to maintain the balance of power in the region.

Special meetings and ceremonies were held across AJK, including in Mirpur and Muzaffarabad, where speakers renewed their pledge to contribute to making Pakistan strong and prosperous.

They emphasized standing shoulder-to-shoulder with Pakistan's defense forces to protect every inch of the motherland.

May 28, 1998, marks the day when Pakistan emerged as the world's seventh and the first Islamic atomic power. This significant milestone is celebrated annually, symbolizing the nation's safety, security, stability, and prosperity.

In recognition of this Grand National day, AJK observed a gazette holiday.

Speakers at the events highlighted the importance of a strong and prosperous Pakistan as a guarantee for Kashmir's freedom.

They recalled how Pakistan's nuclear tests made its defense impregnable, deterring enemies from harboring ill intentions.

The events also underscored the ongoing challenges posed by adversaries attempting to weaken Pakistan internally.

However, the nation, united in its resolve, is committed to thwarting these nefarious designs with vigor and harmony.

In Mirpur, Rawalakot, and other parts of AJK, speakers commemorated the day with enthusiasm, recalling the historic moment when Pakistan gave a matching response to India's nuclear provocations.

They paid rich tributes to the valiant armed forces of Pakistan, reaffirming the unity and solidarity of the nation in defending the motherland.

MCCI President Sabir Shah, addressing a ceremony, emphasized the significance of Youm-e-Takbeer in Pakistan's defense history.

He assured that the people of AJK stand united with Pakistan's armed forces, ready to defend the country against any aggression. It was also noted that in 1998, Pakistan test-fired its first ballistic missile 'Ghauri' on April 6, followed by the highly sophisticated nuclear-capable, multi-tube tactical short-range ballistic missile 'Nasr,' enhancing its strategic capabilities.

Overall, the observance of Youm-e-Takbeer in AJK reflected deep national pride and a collective commitment to Pakistan's strength and sovereignty.
