Alhamra Holds Emergency Training To Enhance Visitors Safety


Alhamra holds emergency training to enhance visitors safety

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 29th May, 2024) Alhamra, the Lahore Arts Council, a leading cultural and literary institution, attracts a substantial number of visitors every day. To ensure a safe and high-quality experience for all its guests, Alhamra conducted an emergency training session at the Adbi Baithak.

Senior officers from Rescue 1122 led the session, providing essential training to Alhamra staff on effectively handling emergencies.

Executive Director Alhamra Sarah Rashid attended the session to oversee the training process.

The event also included participation from 23 staff members and Deputy Director Admin Khuram Naveel.

The interactive session featured a Question & Answer segment, allowing participants to enhance their knowledge and preparedness for various challenges.

This initiative highlights Alhamra's commitment to maintaining a secure environment for its visitors, reinforcing its reputation as a premier cultural destination.