Ali Mardan Grieved Over Damages In Gwadar

Ali Mardan grieved over damages in Gwadar

QUETTA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 28th Feb, 2024) Balochistan Caretaker Chief Minister Mir Ali Mardan Khan Domki on Tuesday grieved over the damages caused by rains and flood in Gwadar and its surroundings and directed the PDMA and the district administration to take coordinated actions to rescue the people.

The Chief Minister has directed the Provincial Disaster Management Authority (PDMA) Balochistan and the departments concerned to start rehabilitation and relief activities in the rain-affected areas of Gwadar and other districts of the province.

He said that the government was providing all necessary assistance to the victims of heavy rain and snow-hit areas of the province as incessant rains created an unusual situation in Gwadar.

Ali Mardan directed that measures should be taken without any delay to restore the roads network when the water level decreased as the rescue workers are facing difficulties in the operation due to the inundation of communication roads.

Ali Mardan said the PDMA Balochistan in collaboration with other authorities concerned was carrying out relief operations to protect precious lives and properties in rain-hit areas of the province.

The PDMA has expedited its relief and rescue activities in the rain-affected areas of the province to ensure proper rehabilitation facilities and minimize damage in emergency situations.

The CM has instructed the district administration to take emergency measures to supply clean drinking water to the residents of Gwadar.

He said that the required machinery has been provided to the rescue teams and people are being shifted from flooded areas to safe places.