All Resources Being Utilized To Eradicate Polio: DC

All resources being utilized to eradicate polio: DC

DERA ISMAIL KHAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 28th May, 2024) Deputy Commissioner Mansoor Arshad has said that divisional administration is utilizing all available resources to wipe out polio from the area.

He expressed these views during a meeting with UNICEF's Chief National Security Advisor, John Robert, at the Commissioner's office on the directives of the Commissioner of Dera Ismail Khan Division. Field Security Officer Naveed Akhtar Khan Afridi was also present on the occasion.

The deputy commissioner gave a detailed briefing about various matters relating to efforts for polio eradication, security challenges and other issues.

He informed that all possible arrangements are being ensured to achieve the targets.

John Robert appreciated the efforts of the administration and police, assuring full cooperation from UNICEF in this regard. He emphasized that polio eradication was a need of the time, adding all resources would be utilized to completely eradicate the polio.