ATC Drops Contempt Proceedings Against Two FIA's Directors


ATC drops contempt proceedings against two FIA's directors

An anti-terrorism court (ATC) on Wednesday dropped contempt proceedings against two directors of the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) after they offered an unconditional apology

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd May, 2024) An anti-terrorism court (ATC) on Wednesday dropped contempt proceedings against two directors of the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) after they offered an unconditional apology.

Earlier, FIA's Director of Cyber Crime, Jehanzaib Nazir, and Director of the Anti-Terrorism Wing, Humayun Masood, appeared before the court and tendered an unconditional apology for not complying with the court orders.

At this, the court warned both officers and observed that if such negligence was committed in the future, strict action would be taken.

Subsequently, the court dropped contempt proceedings against both officers in light of their unconditional apology.

The court had initiated contempt proceedings over their failure to submit records in a case against accused Amir Shahzad despite repeated orders. The court issued a notice to the officers asking why contempt proceedings should not be initiated against them for failing to comply with the orders.