Birth Anniversary Of Renowned Novelist, Playwright Razia Butt Observed

Birth anniversary of renowned novelist,  playwright Razia Butt observed

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 19th May, 2024) Birth anniversary of renowned urdu novelist and playwright Razia Butt was observed on Sunday.

One of the famous popular fiction writer of the 1960s and 1970s, she was often compared with English writer Barbara Cartland due to her popularity among the household readers. Born in Wazirabad on May 19, 1924, Razia Niaz first appeared in a literary journal around 1940 when she was in her teens.

Being a contemporary of many famous Names in Urdu fiction writing, Razia Butt carved a niche and a market for herself by perfecting a particular brand of storytelling.

Her style was close to cinema’s so-called ‘Muslim social drama’ trend. Not surprisingly, many of her novels, such as Saiqa and Naila, were adapted for the big screen. She was also a favourite of television producers looking to turn a novel into a tv drama serial.

Popular with many generations of readers, Razia Butt came up with an autobiography a decade ago. She wrote 51 novels and 350 short stories.

She died on October 4, 2012 in Lahore at the age of 88.