CDNS Have Modernization Plan With NIFT To Facilitate Customers


CDNS have modernization plan with NIFT to facilitate customers

ISLAMABAD, Nov 9 (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 09th Nov, 2016 ) : Central Directorate of National Savings (CDNS) is in the process to implement the modernization plan for facilitating its customers.

The CDNS would soon sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with National Institutional Facilitation Technologies (NIFT), under which senior citizens would get the amount credited in their accounts in National Bank of Pakistan (NBP), a senior CDNS official told APP Wednesday.

After getting the membership of NIFT, he said the CDNS would launch registered prize bonds, besides transferring profit to the customers accounts. The official said the proposed "Structural Reforms Programme" would be launched shortly in order to provide better service delivery to the customers.

He said the reforms programme was approved by the Federal Cabinet in 2007, aimed at making structural changes in the CDNS for providing better delivery service. The directorate would be equipped with modern tools for shifting from manual to innovative information technology (IT) services, he added.

Replying to question, he said current system of CDNS was not according to the modern service standard, adding currently approximately 900 vacancies were vacant in different positions, which were needed to be filled for providing better facilities to "our valued customers".

The official added that CDNS would focus more to enhance capacity in delivery system and make IT system more efficient for facilitating the customers. In this regard, the institution had master plan to computerize all 375 branches in different phases across the country.

He added that in first phase CDNS had computerized 83 branches in different regions and in the second phase 140 more branches would be automated and the plan would be completed in September 2017.

"We are committed to facilitate the customers and performance based service to them according to the international standards", he said. The official said CDNS had notified upward revision in the profit rates for various saving certificates which had been applicable from October 3, 2016.

"The instant revision was made in the backdrop of current market scenario and in accordance with the government's policy to provide market based competitive rate of return to the investors of National Savings", he added.