Civil Service Alumni Revived


Civil Service Alumni revived

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 10th Nov, 2016 ) : Civil Service Alumni Lahore (CSAL) has been restored after 25 years with Chief Collector Customs Sumaira Nazir elected as its chairman. Pakistan Railways Chief Executive Officer Javaid Anwar Boobak was elected as senior vice chairman of CSAL, in a ceremony held at a local hotel on Thursday.

Secretary Excise Ahmad Bilal, PMG Punjab Aslam Khan Niazi, chief commissioner Income Tax Khawaja Adnan Zaheer, additional IG Punjab police Arif Nawaz and Accountant General Punjab Zafar Hassan Raza were elected as vice chairmen.

Major Patrons of the CSAL Javaid Nisar Syed and Abdulbasit Khan, in their address, appreciated Rao Tehseen Ali Khan for his services for the officers.

Newly elected chairman and senior vice chairman also addressed the house.

Qurratul Ain Fatima from Information group was elected secretary general of the organisation while Sana Ghaus from Income Tax secretary information, Zulfiqar Yunus (Customs) chief coordinator, Kashif Hussain (Audit & Accounts) secretary finance and Sidra (Audit & Accounts) secretary event organisation.

A number of CSP officers from different service groups participated in the ceremony.