CM Advisor Condemns Mardan Blast


CM advisor condemns Mardan blast

PESHAWAR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 2nd September, 2016) : Advisor to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister on Information and Higher education, Mushtaq Ahmad Ghani Friday condemned Mardan blast and expressed grief over loss of precious lives in the incident.

In a statement here, he said that perpetrators of the crime have targeting innocent people to fulfill their nefarious designs but resolve of the nation against militancy cannot be deterred by these inhuman activities.

He said that militants are in complete disarray after operation Zarb-e-Azb and are seeking soft targets. He also prayed for the departed souls and early recovery of the injured. CM Advisor also paid tributes to security forces for foiling terror bid on Christine colony and said that provincial government has also directed to beef up security on these localities and worship places.