CM Directs Necessary Arrangments Be Completed In View Of Rains

CM directs necessary arrangments be completed in view of rains

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 30th july, 2016) : Punjab Chief Minister Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif on Saturday directed Federal and provincial departments concerned to complete all preparations in view of recent rains and arrangements be completed for protection of life and property of people against possible flood.

He issued these instructions while addressing a three-hour long videolink conference here during which arrangements for coping with possible flood in the province were reviewed in detail. He said no negligence would be tolerated in this regard and federal and provincial departments should keep a close liasion and remain vigilant to cope with any emergent situation. The chief minister said moment-to-moment information should be exchanged and in its light, necessary arrangements be made.

He said administration of concerned district should monitor arrangements being made for dealing with potential flood. Shehbaz Sharif said all precautionary arrangements should be completed in the districts and immediate evacuation of the population be ensured in case of flood threat. He directed that Cabinet Sub-Committee should review arrangements by visiting South Punjab.

He further directed to complete the programme of saving people against flood in nullah Aik within a year and added that all out resources would be provided for increasing capacity of nullah Aik. He also directed to continuously monitor flow of water in dams and keep a close contact with federal departments in this connection.

He directed the Provincial Disaster Managment Authority to provide abundance stock of relief goods in districts where rains were expected. He said indiscriminate action would be taken against those making illegal breach in dykes.

The chief minister also directed to make arrangements of medicines, vaccination and fodder for animals. He said Rs 100 million had been released to the concerned districts for coping with any emergent situation and relief activities.

He said there should be proper arrangements of food, medicines and fodder in districts concerned due to possible flood. Shehbaz Sharif said Cabinet Committee on Flood should ensure immediate implementation of the decisions. "Safety arrangements should be effective and comprehensive in all respects while boats, dewatering sets and other equipments should be in 100 per cent working condition", he added. He said timely provision of machinery and equipments be ensured in any emergent situation and control room should work round-the-clock.

The director general Meteorology gave a briefing regarding weather situation in coming days. The secretary Irrigation, acting DG PDMA, chairman NDMA and senior authorities of other departments informed the meeting regarding arrangements being made by their departments.