Collective Efforts Require For Resolving Social Issues

Collective efforts require for resolving social issues

KARACHI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 12th Nov, 2016 ) : Brithis Deputy High Commissinoer in Karachi, Belinda Leish on Saturday said that collective efforts are required for resolving the social issues faced by the world today.

She was speaking at a training workshop jointly organized by the British Council Pakistan and the University of Karachi for facilitators under the Citizenship education and Community Engagement Program.

A University official said on Saturday that it was held at LEJ Auditorium, Karachi University. She said that the efforts of the British Council for organizing such training workshops are highly commendable and she thanked University of Karachi for hosting this workshop.

Earlier, Professor Dr Khalid Iraqi, a Dean at Karachi University, welcomed the British Deputy High Commissioner and the participants and lauded the British Council in strengthening the role of society in securing the goals of a sustainable development.

He called for having mutual efforts for bringing a positive change in the society. The workshop included an exhibition on Social Action Project where Belinda Lewis and Hunaid Lakhani, Chancellor of Iqra University, were briefed by student exhibitors about their projects. APP/rak/msk/rn