Comsats Abbottabad Campus Offer Merit Scholarship For Students


Comsats Abbottabad campus offer merit scholarship for students

ABBOTTABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 31st Dec, 2016 ) : Comsats campus on Saturday announces 20 different types of scholarships for brilliant students of BS, MS and PHDs level during spring semester of 2017.

This scheme would provide equal opportunity to the poor segment of the society those are unable to continue their education on account of financial constraints.

This was stated by the Director Comsats campus of Abbottabad Khan Gul Jadoon while talking to media.

He said that there are seven campuses of Comsats in across the country but students can avail this opportunity only in Abbottabad campus. Jan 05 2017 would be the last date for applying CAMS scholarship spring 2017 for Abbottabad campus, While the farms are also available online.