'CPEC Improves Pakistan's Profile As Investment Destination'

'CPEC improves Pakistan's profile as investment destination'

LAHORE, Dec 5 (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 05th Dec, 2016 ) : Pakistan's profile has improved enormously in terms of being an investment destination mainly due to China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

PML-N leader and Member National Assembly Waheed Alam Khan said this while talking to APP here on Monday. He said that Pakistan had seen a new path of development and prosperity as a result of this corridor.

"New hope has been instilled in the country and there is a certain confidence amongst observers that Pakistan can become a regional economic hub," he viewed.

He said that work was being carried out on projects under the CPEC speedily throughout Pakistan including Punjab.

China had given historic economic package for changing the fate of Pakistan and the entire Pakistani nation was grateful to people and leadership of China, he added. The MNA said, "Our coming generations will never forget Chinese support and investment of billions of Dollars in difficult time." "China is a sincere and trustworthy friend of Pakistan which has always been standing with Pakistan in every hour of distress," he concluded.