Crackdown On Illegal Commercialization To Continue: FDA

Crackdown on illegal commercialization to continue: FDA

FAISALABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 16th Apr, 2024) Faisalabad Development Authority (FDA) Additional Director General Dalawar Khan Chadhar has called for continuing a crackdown against illegal commercialization in residential colonies under the control of the authority.

In this regard, building inspectors should be active in the field along with their staff for the inspection of buildings and taking stern legal action against buildings being constructed without approval of building plans. He issued these instructions while presiding over a meeting held here on Tuesday. Town Planning Director Asma Mohsin and other officers were present on the occasion.

The ADG said that the illegal conversion of residential buildings into commercial areas will not be tolerated and strict departmental action would be taken on the collusion of any official in this regard.

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