CTO Urges Motorists To Use Fog Lights

CTO urges motorists to use fog lights

RAWALPINDI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 19th Dec, 2016 ) : Chief Traffic Officer (CTO) Yousaf Ali Shahid Monday urged motorists to use fog lights and proper indicators and adopt precautionary measures in view of prevailing foggy weather.

He said traffic police had launched a comprehensive campaign to guide the motorists facing difficulties particularly in early morning hours.

For this pupose, a traffic police team would be deputed at Airport Road, Mall Road, Peshawar Road and adjoining areas during dense foggy condition at wee hours, he said.

The Traffic education Wing would provide sufficient information to the road users to tackle such situations and drive dead slowly and keep proper distance between vehicles. The traffic police would also distribute pamphlets inscribing guide lines for driving in foggy condition weather. APP/mw/sh/rkg