Curfew, Curbs In Srinagar To Foil Lal Chowk March


Curfew, curbs in Srinagar to foil Lal Chowk march

ISLAMABAD, Dec 5 (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 05th Dec, 2016 ) : The Indian authorities have imposed curfew and other restrictions in Srinagar to prevent proposed protest march towards Lal Chowk, called by the joint resistance leadership on Monday.

Restrictions have been imposed in and around Lal Chowk and other areas, police officials said. "Restrictions will remain in force today (Monday) in and around Lal Chowk area in the valley," a police official told media men in Srinagar, KMS reported.

The joint resistance leadership comprising Syed Ali Gilani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and Muhammad Yasin Malik is scheduled to lead the protest march towards Lal Chowk today, according to the weekly protest Calendar issued by the leadership.

The leadership has been issuing the calendar in the valley to continue the five-month long mass agitation and protest against Indian occupation. Syed Ali Gilani continues to remain under house arrest at his Hyderpora residence while Mirwaiz Umar Farooq at his Nigeen residence in Srinagar.

Meanwhile, Indian police raided the house of renowned martyred Ashfaq Majeed Wani's house in search of JKLF Chief, Muhammad Yasin Malik.