DC Directs Preparedness For Rain Emergency Amid Weather Forecast

DC directs preparedness for rain emergency amid weather forecast

The Deputy Commissioner Hyderabad Tariq Qureshi Thursday directed the relevant institutions to complete all arrangements related to the rain emergency across the city keeping in view the forecast of the meteorological department and on the instructions of Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah

HYDERABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 29th Feb, 2024) The Deputy Commissioner Hyderabad Tariq Qureshi Thursday directed the relevant institutions to complete all arrangements related to the rain emergency across the city keeping in view the forecast of the meteorological department and on the instructions of Sindh Chief Minister Syed Murad Ali Shah.

He directed the Assistant Commissioners of all four talukas to visit pumping stations in their respective areas, assess the situation and collaborate with representatives of local government to take all possible steps to address issues.

The Deputy Commissioner has also instructed relevant officers to keep the DC office informed of the situation every 6 hours during an emergency.

He has directed the HESCO officials to ensure uninterrupted electricity supply during possible rainfall to avoid any inconvenience in the drainage of rainwater.