DC Kohat Chairs Revenue Review Meeting

DC Kohat chairs revenue review meeting

A revenue review meeting was held under the chairmanship of Deputy Commissioner Kohat, Dr. Azmatullah Wazir on Friday

KOHAT, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 1st Mar, 2024) A revenue review meeting was held under the chairmanship of Deputy Commissioner Kohat, Dr. Azmatullah Wazir on Friday.

Additional Deputy Commissioner General Shahryar Qamar, Assistant Commissioners, and other revenue officers and officials attended the meeting.

During the meeting, the Revenue Officers gave detailed information regarding the performance of their tehsils, while the Deputy Director (Database) informed about the land record computerization in Kohat.

DC Azmatullah Wazir directed the revenue officers to take the necessary steps to facilitate the people in terms of revenue.


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