District Quality Control Board Meets

District Quality Control Board meets

SARGODHA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd May, 2024) Deputy Commissioner Capt (retd) Aurangzeb Haider Khan presided over a meeting of the District Quality Control Board at his office on Wednesday.

Hearings were held for 16 medical stores and clinics involved in illegal activities.

After reviewing all cases, the board sent five cases of medical stores and clinics to the drug board for further action, registration of FIR against three, warning was issued to three, while five cases were adjourned till the next meeting for further action.

The DC emphasised the need to curb the sale of counterfeit and substandard medicines in the district.

Secretary Control Board Aamir Mahmood provided detailed information on all the cases.

CEO Health Dr. Asad islam, along with other drug inspectors, also participated in the meeting.

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