Farmers Express Concerns On Low Wheat Price In Market


Farmers express concerns on low wheat price in market

MULTAN, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 23rd Apr, 2024) Farmers expressed concern on purchase of wheat against low prices in open market and urged the government to ensure purchase at recommended rates and save farmers from exploitation by middle men.

Central Chairman Pakistan Kissan Ittehad Chaudhary Haseeb Anwar stated that the farmers were in immense trouble.

He said this while holding press conference here on Tuesday. He lamented that prices of inputs were very high and the farmers were not being offered handsome price against their produce.

Middle men were exploiting the farmers as they were offering Rs 3100 to 3200 per 40 kg price only and it did not meet even the farmers' expenditures. He also announced to hold sit in protest in Lahore if farmers demands were not heeded.