Health Dept Issues Guidelines On Dengue Prevention, Fumigation Started

Health Dept issues guidelines on dengue prevention, fumigation started

KOHAT, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 22nd May, 2024) The Health Department Khyber Pakhtunkhwa has asked the people to take precautionary measures in view of the spread of dengue fever in the current season saying that stagnant water provides a suitable environment for the breeding of dengue mosquitoes.

Regional Information Office Kohat on Wednesday said that accumulated water at homes, offices, workplaces, schools, markets, hospitals, and tyres can be a cause of the dengue spread. Besides, it said water collected in various types of pots for domestic use, water stored in ponds, closed drains and under-construction buildings could also provide a breeding nursery for dengue mosquitos and people should take special care while storing water.

According to the precautionary measures issued by the health department, the dengue mosquito bites during the day, especially a few hours after sunrise and a few hours before sunset. To protect yourself from mosquito bites during these times, wear clothing that covers the body completely and shirts with full sleeves avoid wearing neckerchiefs, use mosquito repellent lotions and make sure to use mosquito nets for prevention of mosquitoes from entering the rooms.

On the direction of the Deputy Commissioner Kohat Dr Azmatullah Wazir TMA Kohat has started fumigation in different areas under a plan in view of the possible danger of dengue. The people have been asked to follow the preventive measures against dengue fever.