IESCO Grants 16 Net-metering Connection Of 1.66 MW So Far


IESCO grants 16 net-metering connection of 1.66 MW so far

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 15th Nov, 2016 ) : The Islamabad Electric Supply Company (IESCO) has given 16 Net-Metering connections to the consumers of twin cities Rawalpindi and Islamabad so far from where some 1.66 MW electricity is being acquired.

The Spokesman told APP here Tuesday that all these connections have been granted this year. Dozen of other applications for net- metering connections were under process, he said Giving the details of commissioned connections, he said that these connections included 1000 KW Parliament House, 178 KW each Pakistan Engineering Council and Planning Commission, 5 KW Residence of Speaker National Assembly, 90 KW Amir Hussain (TESLA Industries), 3 KW each Rasheed Ramay, IESCO Headquarters, Muhammad Hussain, 17 KW Nabila Qureshi, 10 KW Rear Admiral (R) Mujtaba, 7 KW Farhatullah Babar, 12.2 KW Samina Tariq and 4 KW Naseer Ahmed.

Meanwhile, IESCO Chief Executive Officer Dr Rana Abdul Jabbar said Net-Metering was an innovative and immediate solution to current power shortage.

He said the system offers opportunities for commercial and domestic customers to generate electricity through solar panels and sell their extra electricity to IESCO.

He said that both domestic and commercial consumers could generate 1KW to 1 MW through net-metering system. Dr Jabbar said adopting the net-metering technology would not only help improve efficiency of the company but also help meet energy requirement.

He said the company got encourage response from the consumers and 14 connections of net-metering have been energized in short span of time. He said the IESCO was purchasing electricity from the consumers at Rs.9.25 per unit.

He said the company has purchased electricity worth Rs.2.5 million so far. The CEO said IESCO was the first distribution company which introduced the net-metering system in the country. He said all customers having 3-phase connection could avail IESCO's net metering facility.