Indigenous Technology Capable To Meet Police Needs : IGP

Indigenous technology capable to meet police needs : IGP

KARACHI, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 25th Nov, 2016 ) : Sindh Inspector General of Police A.D.Khwaja on Friday, during his visit to IDEAS-2016 defence exhibition, said the local defence production companies were capable enough to meet the emerging requirements of the police to fight terrorism and other crimes.

" We do not need to look towards any foreign country for procurement of equipment for the police," he said while responding to media question. He informed that Sindh police had signed an agreement with Pakistan Heavy Industry, Texilla for procurement of certain equipment.

He said Pakistan was progressing and its defence system was improving with the passage of time. IDEAS-2016 international exhibition was a joint effort by all the stakeholder including armed forces and civil law enforcing agencies.

More than 2000 police personnel were deployed for taking care of this international event. He said IDEAS-2016 was more successful than the earlier eight IDEAS exhibitions. It has proved that Karachi is a peaceful city.