Inquiry Ordered Against Police Officer


Inquiry ordered against police officer

SARGODHA, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 2nd September, 2016) : The Anti Corruption Establishment (ACE) ordered an inquiry against a police officer over corruption charges. The ACE authorities said on Friday that complainant Hamid Khan of Bhagtanwala,Kotmomin, said in his application that Sub-Inspector Allah Yar of Kotmomin police station with a police team had conducted raid at his shop Bashir & Sons Arms House at 23 Morr Lahore Road and taken under custody two mobile phones and weapons valued Rs 1,786700 besides registering a case against his employee Naqeeb Ullah.

Later, the police officer had taken Rs 300,000 for acquitting his employee Naqeeb from the case. ACE Director Rana Gulzar Ahmad appointed deputy director technical Shaikh Irfan Ahmad as an inquiry officer to investigate the corruption charges against the accused.