KP Budget Based On Assumptions: Opposition Leader

KP budget based on assumptions: Opposition Leader

Leader of the Opposition Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Assembly Dr Ibadullah on Friday criticized the provincial budget 2024-25, saying it was based on mere assumptions

PESHAWAR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 24th May, 2024) Leader of the Opposition Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Assembly Dr Ibadullah on Friday criticized the provincial budget 2024-25, saying it was based on mere assumptions.

Talking to the media here in the assembly premises, he said the provincial government claimed that it had presented the budget while breaking the tradition, but there was nothing new for the people in it.

The finance minister himself had admitted that the KP government was depending for 92 percent funds on the Federal Government and strangely he claimed that he presented a surplus budget.

A Rs 300 billion supplementary budget was presented to hide the corruption of the government, he alleged.

Ibadaullah said that the budget had no relief for the common man, rather it was just manipulation of words. The government was in haste to get the budget passed before June 3, he added.

The opposition leader said that allocation of Rs 2.5 billion subsidy for the BRT (Bus Rapid Transport) system was unjustified as so many schools could be built by that amount.
