Kurram Tangi Dam To Herald Socio-economic Prosperity To KPs Southern Districts: Salim Saifullah

Kurram Tangi dam to herald socio-economic prosperity to KPs southern districts: Salim Saifullah

LAKKI MARWAT, Dec 8 (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 08th Dec, 2016 ) : Former Federal minister Salim Saifullah Khan lauding the government for taking practical measures to commence construction work on the much-awaited Kurram Tangi Dam project said Thursday it would bring green revolution in the southern districts of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Referring to recent visit by Wapda officials along with contractors to the site as part of arrangements to start construction work on the project, the former minister said in meetings with elders that the construction of Kurram Tangi Dam would resolve all energy crisis, drinking and agricultural relating problems of Southern Districts of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa.

He told the construction of Kurram Tangi dam would eradicate flood dangers in respective areas and that would be a blessing for the people of those areas where flood came every years. He said the dam having total height of 322 feet with a gross storage capacity of 1.2 MAF and live storage capacity of 0.9 MAF would also enhance the level of economic activities, create jobs opportunities for people of those areas.

He said the multi-purpose project had been dream of the people of the area that was materialized following 40-year long struggle of his family despite hurdles put in the way by political opponents.

He was of the view that� every year a lot of rainwater goes wasted although the country was faced with worst kind of loadshedding and shortage of water for irrigation purposes, now this project, he added, would help a great deal to supplement the government’s efforts for resolving such issues.

He said the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa should facilitate the livestock farmers of the district, where minimum or no livestock services were available to the farmers, adding the initiative could lead to the development of dairy development.

He said people of the southern districts of the KP especially Lakki Marwat were facing poverty and unemployment despite the fact youth of the area was gifted with excellent talent, therefore, he said there was a needed to create job opportunities for them enabling them to earn livelihood in respectable manner besides contributing effectively to the countrys socio-economic development.

He assured that he would continue work for welfare of the people of the area, adding more development packages and projects would be initiated in the district in order to bring it at par with other areas of the province in terms of socio-economic prosperity.