Marvi Encourages BISP Beneficaries To Stand Up Against Violence


Marvi encourages BISP beneficaries to stand up against violence

ISLAMABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 25th Nov, 2016 ) : Minister of State and Chairperson Benazir Income Support Programme (BISP) Marvi Memon Friday asked the programme beneficaries to realize their fundamental rights and stand up against violence.

"Violence against women can only be stopped if women realize their potential, speak up and support each other on this grave violation of human rights," she said while addressing a ceremony held to commemorate the nternational day for elimination of violence against women here at the BISP Secretariat.

She said it was the weakness and lack of self-esteem which allowed perpetrators to inflict harm to women, adding "respecting, treasuring and honoring women can only ensure the avoidance of such negative attitudes that lead to mental and physical violence against women," a press release issued here said.

UN Women goodwill ambassador Muneeba Mazari, Chairperson Acid Survivors Foundation Valerie Khan, Executive Director Mehergarh Maliha Hussain, Chairperson Research Department Dawa academy Tahir Mehmood, acid survivors, members of civil society, media and a large number of beneficiaries attended the event.

UN Women goodwill ambassador Muniba Mazari said there was the need to break stereotypes to empower women. "Mothers should raise real men who know how to respect and value women. We should work as a team to eliminate violence against women." Chairperson Acid Survivors Foundation Valerie Khan highlighted that Pakistan had come a long way in countering acid violence.

Since 2013 acid throwing cases have declined by 40-50 percent but the enactment of comprehensive Acid and Burn Crime Bill would be crucial in curbing this crime, she added. Chairperson Research Dawa Academy Tahir Mehmood stated that women were held in high esteem in islam, adding they have been granted all types of social, financial, legal and political rights prohibiting violence against them.

Executive Director Mehergarh Maliha Hussain while speaking on harassment at work place stated that situation had improved since the enactment of harassment laws by the parliament. "We all need to put in our share in removing the biggest hurdle in women's progress in Pakistan," she said.

Acid survivors Samina, Asia and Shahida narrated their stories and encouraged BISP beneficiaries to stand up against violence. They said that they were victimized by acid throwing and domestic violence but they stood up and become able to start a new life.

Chairperson BISP Marvi Memon reiterated that the strict implementation of laws protecting women against violence like Women Protection Bill, Acid Control and Acid Crime Prevention Bill, Protection against Harassment of Women at Workplace Bill and Prevention of Anti Women Practices Bill and encouragement of social uplift programmes like BISP were proviing useful to stop violence against women.

During her address, Marvi Memon also encouraged beneficiaries to report any kind of violence, they face, at BISP helpline number 0800-26477, asurring redressal of their complaints.