MCL Removes Encroachments

MCL removes encroachments

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 18th May, 2024) The Metropolitan Corporation Lahore (MCL) carried out an anti-encroachment operation and demolished illegal structures in the provincial capital.

An MCL spokesperson told media here on Saturday that an anti-encroachment squad of Regulation Wing, under the supervision of Zonal Officer, removed 156 encroachments from various locations of the city and shifted 17 truck-load of confiscated goods to the MCL yard.

A total 26 challans were issued besides issuing warning notices to various violators. During the operation, 357 banners and streamers were removed and various selling points of vulture meat for charity, popularly known as ‘cheel gosht’, were cleared.

MCL administrator Rafia Haider said that under the directives of Chief Minister Punjab, a special anti-encroachment operation launched across the city on daily basis, adding that special squads for anti-encroachment operation conducting grand operations in all nine administrative zones of the city. Traders' associations have also been taken into confidence for the anti-encroachment operation. She urged citizens to cooperate with the MCL and its anti-encroachment squads to eliminate encroachments.