Mirpur AJK Continues In Grip Of Severe Heat Wave

Mirpur AJK continues in grip of severe heat wave

MIRPUR, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 30th May, 2024) With very high hopes of rainfall during next week, AJK's largest city and the rest of the district went into the grip of a scorching heat wave on Wednesday after the area witnessed the highest  temperature that rose to 43.00 degrees Celsius, while a power outage along with erratic water supply continued to add to the woes of the people during the scorching heat. 

With the mercury touching the 43.00 degrees Celsius mark, the day temperature has gone 3.00 degrees above the normal temperature, thereby affecting normal life, the concerned department sources told APP here on Wednesday.


It may be recalled that the highest ever temperature during the last summer was recorded at 43.

00 degrees Celsius in this lakeside district, and the possibility of mercury crossing the last year’s mark cannot be ruled out keeping in view the prevailing weather conditions. 

The fast-rising temperature in the area has thrown life out of gear, with people, particularly two-wheeler riders, seen covering their faces with clothes in order to avoid getting affected by sunstroke. 

On one side, the scorching heat has gradually started affecting normal life; the erratic water supply in various parts of the city, including the slums, located on the perimeter of the country’s biggest Mangla Dam, is adding to the woes of the people on the other side, thereby creating resentment among the local population.
