MQM-P Laments Urban Centers Denied Due Development

MQM-P laments urban centers denied due development

The Hyderabad chapter leader of Muttahida Qaumi Movement-Pakistan (MQM-P) Zafar Ahmed Siddiqui Tuesday said Sindh's urban centers suffer from a lack of development and adequate employment opportunities for the youth

HYDERABAD, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 21st May, 2024) The Hyderabad chapter leader of Muttahida Qaumi Movement-Pakistan (MQM-P) Zafar Ahmed Siddiqui Tuesday said Sindh's urban centers suffer from a lack of development and adequate employment opportunities for the youth.

Addressing a meeting of the party attended by MNA Abdul Aleem Khanzada and MPA Nasir Qureshi, he reiterated that his party had been struggling to secure rights for the people of the province's cities.

He said the approach of denying due development to the urban centers should be shunned.

Referring to Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), he said a party's leadership who had misled the country's youth had been hoisted by their own petard. He said a party which came to power with a fake mandate was at present criticizing the incumbent government for stealing their mandate.

MQM-P's Hyderabad Joint Organizer Naveed Abbassi, MNA Khanzada and MPA Qureshi also spoke during the meeting and discussed the city's issues which required immediate attention of the government.