Museums Need To Adopt Pro-active Role Through Community Engagement: Speakers

Museums need to adopt pro-active role through community engagement: speakers

LAHORE, (UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News -2nd Sep,2016) : The International Heritage and Museum Conference continued here at the Alhamra Arts Council on Friday drawing a sizeable crowd from amongst the avid supporters and fans of arts and culture in the provincial metropolis.

While the morning session focussed on Enhancing community and public participation the second session highlighted Audience development and extending outreach through detailed case studies and research.

Ms Sajida Vandal,former principal NCA moderated the morning sesssion addressed by museum professionals including Megan De Silva,Jance Henderson from Monmouthshire museums service/Cardiff university,Jasdeep Singh from National Army Museum,India and others.

Another session mederated by Zeb Tariq from Beaconhouse National University was addressed by experts John Bull,Miranda Stearn,Diana Walter and others. Other sessions focussed on Integrating intangible and tangible heritage; Museums in Pakistan:state of play and what's next.Mian Attique Ahmed secretary general museums association Pakistan,Asma Ibrahim and others addressed the session.

Through presentations, their experiences and research the speakers highlighted the importance of involving communities in various projects/joint ventures of museums to strengthen their affiliation with their heritage and the need to conserve it.

The mega event has been jointly organised by British Council Pakistan and the Walled City of Lahore Authority (WCLA). More than 100 heritage and museum experts from Pakistan,South Asia and the United Kingdom shared knowledge, best practices and discussed challenges faced by Pakistan in the sector.

Around 40 speakers throughout the three-day conference will share their professional and personal experiences that have helped improve the sector in their respective areas and countries. The first two days of the conference focussed on case studies presented by experts about the museums, enhancing public and community participation in heritage initiatives.

The conference would conclude on Septemenr 3 after workshops at Information Technology University Lahore focussed on digital imaging of objects/sites,HDR imaging,photogrammetry and related topics pertaining to digital technologies.